Doctors can help, but studies show that at least 70 percent of healthy aging depends on decisions each person makes about diet, exercise, smoking and other lifestyle choices (Source: St. If you'll excuse the expression, that's all just a bunch of baloney.just take their product and watch the years fade away.baloney!We'd like to ask those advertisers just a few questions: If your "magic-weight-loss-potion-miracle-in-a-bottle" is Running Machines Manufacturers the real deal, then why hasn't the media picked up on the story?
If your product is indeed the Fountain of Youth, why didn't our doctor recommend it? Why isn't it being featured on CNN and all the major news networks?The reason why the media, and the entire world, isn't going ga-ga over these new 'miracle' cures is that they're not real miracle cures.. Yet most problems develop gradually over months, years or decades.Lately we've all been receiving a lot of spam emails.. "Only 18% of patients are at goal," meaning that their body weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and so on are normal (Source: St. It's amazing how many of them are promising quick weight loss without any effort!
One of them even promises that their new 'super tonic' is the new Fountain of Youth..So what are we waiting for? Let's go exercise!... Petersburg physician Timothy Carlson)....the best way to help keep the body young and healthy is through regular exercise!The human body can fail in a staggering number of ways....Did you catch that? Let's read it again: At least 70 percent of healthy aging depends on decisions each person makes about diet, exercise, smoking and other lifestyle choices! Now that's what we call the Fountain of Youth!Unfortunately, the vast majority of people make poor decisions.Guess what? Regular exercise improves body weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and so much more! People who engage in regular exercise are much more likely to be in the 18% group.
That leaves plenty of time for action. The radio advertisements promise "weight loss without diet or exercise" and the infomercials brag about the newest and greatest pill that will magically make the fat melt away..However, we do have some BIG NEWS for you! Against all odds, after careful research and years of painstaking effort, WE HAVE DISCOVERED THE REAL FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH!!!The only real Fountain of Youth (at least, the closest thing we've found) is EXERCISE! There, now you're in on the secret too! It turns out that our doctor was right, the Surgeon General was right, the American Medical Association was right, and your old coach was right too
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